Here's a quick layout of her room:
Over the years she had been given or had bought some furniture and while the functionality of it was great for her space, the range of styles and colors from white to blond, honey and dark brown made her feel like her room was a bit chaotic. So she set off to paint her furniture a unified black, and she did a great job. She also got some Lack floating shelves for above her bed and a duvet cover and shams from Ikea in a cozy red-orange color. It definitely helped make the room feel a bit calmer and more comfortable now that she had large blocks of the same color throughout. But it needed something more...

I was browsing the web when I came across a picture that reminded me of her room:

And from there I thought it would be fun to do a little mock-up design.

(my photoshop job is a bit scraggly but it gets the idea across right?)
The colors I've added help to lighten up (and girly up!) the space while keeping the original cozy look she was after. I'd paint her nightstand black and move it to the other side of her bed to give her a wee bit of walking space on that side and to allow some room for the floating shelf to be moved to the left. This way she could fit in some curtains if she wanted to give the illusion of height and add softness to the room. The white patterned curtains behind the gray are from Ikea and are only $30 for two panels!
If the shelf is moved, I'd lower the other shelf on the wall to provide her with more space for storage/display items. Her room is currently doubling as an office, and her newly painted black desk sits just to the left of the bed.
The gray throw blanket is also from Ikea and I actually found the drum pendant sitting next to a dumpster (oh dear this is becoming quite a habit for me) and I think it would add just a touch of glamor to affix some crystals to it.

I thought it would also be nice to add a flokati rug to the room, as well as a storage bench at the end of her bed (you can always use more storage!)

Trophy Print and Red Sea Fan Print

I re-discovered your blog by a pic I had in my file from your laundry detergent post. I used the pic and gave you the refrence and went on to share with my bloggers your post on DIY laundry detergent. Hope you get some traffic. Thanks for sharing that. The box of Gain sitting on my dryer is the last one I will have bought. Have a great day. Heidi