Nov 14, 2010

Is Chintz Making a Comeback?

Yesterday we went on a shopping trip, and while in a few stores I couldn't help but notice a trend in fashion: chintz.

 {images from Forever 21}

Chintz, known as a "calico cloth printed with flowers or other patterns in different colors," has been around since the 17th century so it's no surprise that it goes in and out of style as our tastes change.

Normally when I think of chintz though, I think of rooms like this, which has me running for the hills.

  However, like many design trends, when done in moderation and in the right setting, chintz can look wonderful. (side note: I just realized how tall that lamp is, wowzers!)

 {image from Lulu DK via Style Court}

So what do you think? Should the revival of chintz be banished or is it here to stay?


  1. I'm not a huge fan of it, so I hope not, but change is good I guess! Don't forget to check out my Christmas giveaway if you haven't already!

    Kori xoxo

  2. First: That model was a winner on ANTM. haha.

    Second: I think in very small doses (the forever 21 purse), it's really charming, but as wallpaper, it's overkill.


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