Jun 21, 2012

Still Alive...

Hey everyone! Just wanted to let you all know I'm still alive, I've been a horrible blogger lately I know.

I mostly dropped in to say a quick general announcement (although I'm fairly certain I'm the last person on earth to find out about this) but if you live in the Seattle area, there are two HomeGoods stores opening up nearby! One is in Lynnwood and the other is in Federal Way. The grand opening is this Sunday. I've been dying to check out HomeGoods after seeing all the fun things other bloggers have picked up (although it will probably just be a window shopping trip for me!)

In case you were wondering why I haven't been blogging, I've got some side projects going on and haven't been focusing on decorating at all. I'm rooming with some friends I met in college and I've decided to hold off on decorating/projects until I have my own place. The girl who owns this condo loves decorating too and I don't think she would mind, but this is her first real place and I want to respect her tastes. I'm keeping myself content with my little bedroom and I'm happy knowing I'm saving up money to someday get a place of my own. Plus I really couldn't ask for better roommates, so I'm thrilled!

Here are a few shots of things in my room:

Above: My landing place for jewelry on my dresser. I bought one of those photo-hanging family trees from the thrift store (it was missing the frames) and used it to hang my earrings (still need to paint the base). I also framed a feather I found in the woods when I was young, I've had it with me all these years!

I painted the wall opposite my bed a dark color using a semi-gloss paint and hung my faux-wood painted canvas up. I believe the dark color is called "Cascade" by Sherwin Williams. It reminds me of the deep dark ocean and changes colors throughout the day between black, blue and green. Also, as you can see a visitor dropped in to snuggle up on the blanket: some of you might remember Tobermory, my rescue cat (looking rather irritated at the moment!)

Anyway, that's all for now!


  1. That picture tree turned jewelry rack is such a good idea! I've had my eye out for some kind of jewelry rack for a while, but a lot of them are pricier than I would like to spend or they have limited space... or they are ugly.

  2. Nice post! Thank you for this!
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