Nov 9, 2013

Kitchen Update

Wahoo it's the weekend! I wanted to give you all a quick update on where we're at with our kitchen so far, and then it's back to work for me.

After much debate we decided to go with concrete countertops, so it was time to remove the old granite tile counters in preparation. Here's what we started with:

This was the fun part. I was soooo ready to get rid of that tile!

In no time we had the bar counter removed. 

My dad came up and helped move the outlets and cut down the framing to counter height.

The space definitely feels more open now. Still have some tile to remove near the stove, as well as the backsplash. Side note, see the nasty carpet spots? Those are everywhere, ick! We can't wait to install the bamboo flooring!

 The next step was to take down all the cabinet doors and prep the kitchen for painting.

I started painting already, but I'll share progress on that at a later time since I still have a lot to do. Thanks for looking!

1 comment:

  1. Your kitchen update is very helpful for us. I need this type update for my kitchen. Awesome Home decor Ideas


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